
Beit - is the second letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.
It is also the word for house.
Bayit is a symbol of enclosure. A dwelling. A container. A home.
It is constructed from left to right, up to down, right to left - with a solid foundation.
It is the numerical value of 2
The Torah begins with the letter beit in the word - Bereishit - In the Beginning...

In all beginnings there needs to be a house - something to contain. A vessel that houses all the other vessels. It is comprised of 2 elements - positive and negative which hold it together like magnets. It is the starting point from which all bounty can pour into and fill and share. Open door, open windows, sun filtering in at dawn and filtering out at evening - with both sun rise and sun set visible. A fig tree and grape vine to shade and feed. A place to find peace, solace and refuge.


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