Olive Trees Revisited

Shabbat - afternoon. After pouring through some books, words and sleeping to awake in sweat I opted to breathe some fresh air and made my way to the back of the house to the chair that awaits in the midst of wild pomegranates and olives.

And I sat and watched thinking I missed something times before. And watched and sat. And all of a sudden the realization that the limbs of the olive tree all faced east and they looked like they were praying in piousness.

I don't know if it was to do with the wind, or the time of day or the season. But pray they did. Facing east. And some bowed low. And it's all they did was pray in all seriousness and devotion.

Then it occurred to me that is why they are blessed with a long life - because of their devotional prayer and service. It is a reward for their humility and giving. There is nothing flashy or self-important about an olive tree. It exists to serve. And in that service there is a nullification of self to the point where if it were not for the wind that moves its branches and flutters its leaves, sounding a rustle in the breeze, it would hardly be noticeable at all.

As to whether other olives face east - and whether this is a seasonal or placement thing - I will note and post my findings.


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