Leaving Israel

I have finally understood that I must leave Israel. All the signs were here - 5 years. I should have buckled before. It would have saved a lot of anger and energy. I simply couldn't make it. Another aliyah failure. More torment then I could imagine, the last straw was having stones thrown at me by Jews for no reason - aside from my resting in the smelly abode I have called my dwelling place since last Tishrei. I should have packed up 5 years ago when the hardships began. I didn't. I thought it could be overcome. I thought I'd make it. I really did give it my best shot. I gave my energy and my blood. Now I can leave and say shalom. Be well. You weren't for me and I wasn't for you - and hopefully no irreversible harm has been done. My back is filled with sores and welts from the rocks thrown and the words hurled and the actions perpetrated and now - enough. No more. I bid you shalom.


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