Jagged Edges

Aura the embroynic envelopments surrounding the bodies
when all is calm like the glassy seas and lakes, the vapors are soft
shining oval and smooth.

When trauma infiltrates into the core system, a tear in the protective membrane occurs, causing leaking of the energetic field which then solidifies in a rigid pattern -
spiked and jagged almost like the edges of a chain saw or porcupine,
rendering it dangerous on both ends - the giver and the receiver.

It also creates a porous gateway with millions of entry ways where
a smooth surface cohesive would be unified in protection.

It makes for clumsiness as all 6 directions can be uneven,
especially where left and right are concerned;
imbalances, catching on things, people and picking up
all atmospheric energies because these prickly edges
also act as sensors in a magnified way - antennas come to mind.

This is why many who are engulfed in trauma seek solitude
and nature - as there is nothing to catch on to, interfere with
or pick up that would jar the system off its axis even further.

Walls are put up to minimize the wounds both self inflicted and inflicted
on unassuming others - lest they advance too close, too soon, too haphazardly
and be harmed. By no conscious fault of the traumatized one, only by virtue of
the subconscious foundation that set forth the initialization of the spike pattern
at first causation - en vitro or early childhood - 0-3.

The spirals of human life that are not unlike the tree rings of growth that outwardly expand in a normal unfolding will become erratic and spike like once the nervous system is jarred with a catastrophic event - repeated or not. All it takes is one core injury for a spike to occur. These spikes will then serve as wedges and spears in all relationships. The deeper, the more numerous the more disarrayed the bodies, as nature corresponds to cyclic, circular rotations in expansion, development and evolution.

A life cycle spiral inundated with these spikes will endur setbacks, exhaustive turnings on one's axis, regression, distortion and pain - physical, psychic, mental, spiritual and mental as these layers are all *pierced* by the spikes. And the cutting, bleeding, constant aching is very real as it exists on all planes simultaneously - and in most liklihood is carried over from one lifetime to the next until it is resolved.

Resolution seems to lie in the smoothing out crashing waves to a calm sea. It is going from a state of high intensity hysteria triggered by *life's markers*, from a reactivity to the elements to developing an inner *ark* of safety to carry one through the turbulence come what may. This *ark* is one of inner fabric - building from a foundation based on fundemental, spiritual, universal proven truths - where one cannot find loopholes or discrepancies and meets the criteria of being Truth *beyond a shadow of a doubt* resonating to the utmost core of the being.

When this *ark* is in place, the outer spikes will naturally shift from their rigidity and allow for a more rounded out state and appearance as this will ultimately serve in the soul's smooth sailing, where spikes could only impede and cause more turbulence as one journeys. In building this ark awareness of such matters will automatically settle into subconsciousness overriding the previous programming of war, conflict, defensiveness and self-annihilation.


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