The Heart Space of Infinite Wonder
Every relationship brings with it an
emotional response. All senses that engage with an object bring with
it some type of emotional response. When the mind and heart are coupled in unison
with this emotional response a neuro pathway is reinforced. A cycle and a pattern are created. Foundations set into motion as they draw from the genetic material with additives of the experience, frequency, volatility and vibratory. It will be proven at some junction that these are in fact the foundation of Hebrew letters and the vowels, each permutation absorbed in infinite variations of sequences.
So in unconsciousness this cycle/orbit is formed,, which becomes a *habit* of the mind and perpetuates throughout one's lifetime. The end result of every such reinforcement is what is known as the pay-off. The chemical release into the system that feeds the memory that is triggered by the cycle that stems from the original experience.
So in unconsciousness this cycle/orbit is formed,, which becomes a *habit* of the mind and perpetuates throughout one's lifetime. The end result of every such reinforcement is what is known as the pay-off. The chemical release into the system that feeds the memory that is triggered by the cycle that stems from the original experience.
It happens in a flash, as quick as light speed. It does not make a separation between good chemicals and
the so-called *bad* ones. The good chemicals are the ones that make
our bodies, soul and mind *expand* and feel *up* - the *bad* ones do
just the opposite and create havoc within. Given enough
reinforcement, the *bad* chemicals cause plaque, stress, disease,
disorders and ultimately untimely deaths. Because simply, the *bad*
chemicals in such lethal doses, repeated are poisons to the system.
But maybe that's the unconscious plan
being put into action. The message that was once received - to
self-annihilate slowly - and here is the recipe to do just that:
*react with anger* *seek vengeance* *hold grudges* *harbor hatred*
*hold hidden daggers* *repeat words that hold a negative charge*.
This is the formula for self-annihilation. In the long-run, there has
never been one person alive that perpetuated such inner algorithms
without finding themselves ending their lives painfully. Slowly or
quickly through acts of violence - it's a given that the
self-annihilation program works. It's worked since the beginning of
time and it continues to replicate till this day.
The only way out of these cycles of
self-destruction are through detachment from the immediacy of the
response required, to locate the empty inner clear space of potential and to fill it with a heart space. This
heart space is a clear balance of wisdom between the mind and the
heart. Once that space is created, the next step is to release the
hold of the negative chemical required. It is an addiction of the
most powerful kind to break and much tenacity and fortitude is needed
to stand firm in the face of the grip the addiction holds on the
psyche. But it is attainable. The alternative is to continue the pattern, to rebuff and persist with the over-lay of destruction. Filling the potential doesn't equate with long-term relationship, it just affixes a neural mezzuzah to the pathway, a blessing along the signpost
of the journey.
of the journey.