The Sherpa Saga Continues

Scenario - One day from the holiday of Sukkot till one week ago. Back of house in storage area, one Sherpa bag stolen. Without said bag, this writer cannot take cat through the fields, over the hills, over the highways and through traffic, on buses and on taxies to get to vet. Head held, prayers uttered, karma understood, another flinch of the soul.

Forty emails to various people on Craigslists all over the United States - nothing. Bid one time on ebay, won, then seller decided to increase shipment at last moment. Purchase canceled. Cat continues to decline. Cat is taken in broken bag which unravels in mid travel cat half escapes in the middle of the Beer Sheva Tel Aviv road. Writer becomes hysterical and half-crazed.

Week later, more angst, another ebay auction, bid, won, purchased, shipped. Shipment arrives - the bag is too small. Money down the drain. Cat continues to decline. Frantic emails across the world, please help, please help, please help. Find vet in Beit Dagan, kind enough to help via phone. Gives suggestion on medication. Hobble into next town with back pain and numbness in leg to local vet who has a storefront business. He write prescription for *free*. I purchase Frontline poison flea solution. Get medication from pharmacy. Writer goes into dissociation fugue. Buses don't stop. One does. Finally take yet another bus. Get back. Cat worse. Force pills that must be halved then thirded down cat's throat. Day 90 of the affliction with no hope in sight. God has mercy, there is food. Cat suffers and is stumbling. Thoughts of what ifs shuffle through brain. One thing is certain. No one in this collective called *mine* will ever be buried in Achuzzam.

I need a bag. Reader. Please help us.


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