Shabbat Dying

I should have heeded a premonition I had yesterday morning - Friday. Just lost my level of consciousness, probably had an out of body experience - or lost my mind. Crumbled and crashed emotionally. Throughout the day, went through the motions of cleaning, cooking and trying not to think about dread, doom and put on a happy face, dammit.
Somehow made it to candlighting, somehow made it to eating a very bare and cold meal. My cat, Jesse who was sick for 4 months now didn't come back home at nightfall and I felt I should be sitting shiva. Then I thought maybe Shabbat waives the laws of mourning. But I felt comfortable sitting on the floor anyway - on a cushion. Vascillating between feeling terrible and feeling some kind of relief that his suffering was finally over. I grabbed some holy books. Started praying for the ill. Felt some comfort there. Got up went out, called him, came back in. Back and forth at least 7 times. On the 8th I went to the backyard and there I saw what I can only call *The Aftermath* of what appeared to be a rampage. Someone had gone literally beserk sometime yesterday and totally destroyed the makeshift fences I had put up against wandering rabid dogs. Everything was smashed, broken, glass everywhere. I had put up something of a barricade - the whole area has no fences, at least this gave us some kind of feeling that some area wasn't being used as roaming dogs pissing grounds and worse. Smashed. Everything.

I can't begin to tell you how utterly sad and crushed I felt after this. The rock throwing was bad enough. The torture of one of my cats was bad enough. The cold-shoulders and basic haseless hatred at every corner here - is bad enough. Now this.

Fear. Cold fear. Then thoughts of karma. And what an ABSOLUTELY HORRIFICALLY DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING I must have been in previous life with this to be playing out. All of it. Since day one. And the trials and tribulations just getting worse with each year. I figured at the look of things in the moonlight that the rampage must have taken place sometime in the late afternoon. But how could I not have heard it. One of the guys on his ATV decided that I didn't merit having any kind of place in this world and has been one of the rock throwers, the one to careen around the road as I'm walking - the one to do this. I don't know him. I did nothing to him. He might be a psychopath. Might being an understatement.

All night I sat on the floor near the bathroom on a rug. Jesse, my cat did come home alive - barely. His disease has weakened him greatly. I couldn't rejoice. I felt completely numb. This morning I woke feeling dead myself. I could hardly pray. I could hardly think. All I could do is go outside and look again and see the crushed tables, chairs and planks of wood I'd stacked up for some protection against wild dogs. I feel raped and violated. I must move. Do I need to uphold the lease when I am being terrorized? This is the question.

I go tomorrow to Jerusalem. To throw myself at the mercy of Hashem at the Wall. Find direction. My punishment is too great to bear.


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