Beer Sheba

Went to Beer Sheba today to get shmitta vegetables.
Only the veggies that came from foreigners would do.
And in going I viewed the landscape - rough, miles of sand
intermingled with clumps of wild plants, and in between
the acacia trees, a few palms and as things would be had
did see camels. And it's 40 km's roughly from where I
lay my head to where I needed to be going. And the crocs
I have had for the last year give or take are worn till there's
no tread and walking is hard anyway. But I needed a break
from the break in my skull from 3 weeks ago that still hasn't
healed, slow bleed maybe, and the ulcer my cat has, and the
slowly being poisoned by the burning garbage across the road
that is the city dump. A break. Some exercise that is needed.

And so to shopping, eyes down. And to walking eyes down.
And the noises I hardly hear outside maybe because I'm
bombarded from all angles and completely numbing is
the tactic. Went for shitakes after - walked a long time
in the hottest heat. Was hoping to meet a Black Hebrew.
I might have seen a Saudian refugee. No shitakes. Got
some other kind of shroom. It's the 3rd time I went to
a place that carries them and nothing. Pissed. They help
stretch an otherwise bland meal/soup whatever. Got on
minibus, went back all in 3 hours from start to finish.
Don't like traveling on Fridays. Came back - already feeling
depressed just coming into this place. Walked in apartment,
and felt the stagnancy. All this week I am here like a shut in
and I didn't feel it. Left, came back and felt it. Aired out everything.
Changed bedding. Washed floors. Looked for cat - cat has escaped.
Sick cat out there. What else is new. He was waiting for his opportunity.
Now I am regrouping. Didn't sleep last night at all.
Drank too much wine. I have tempeh.
I am tired.
Real tired.
Just want to go to sleep for a long time.


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