Soul Goal to Heal, Feel be Real, Reveal

I've been carrying around the infliction of trauma since inception till this day 49 years later. I never wanted it but it attached itself to me like a soul virus. Throughout the years I've been trying to find methodologies and ultimately a curative process to clear the trauma, rebuild the breaks and HEAL. It is possible because I believe in Nature and the world at large - where there is an illness, there always is the cure. It just happens to be that conventional medicine hasn't been able to identify the root causes of any illness, let alone cure or heal anything. I've long stopped putting any kind of faith in *medicine*. Treating broken bones and putting bandaids on symptoms - they can in my book be called upon. And there are those that swear by them, and I don't want to argue the subject. This is my POV alone and my path.

I am seeking others like me who have been on the path of self-discovery, rebuilding their inner synapses, brain cells and neurotransmitters, who have an idea about what it is exactly I'm talking about here - can identify with find a CURE not a bandaid and through experience about what works and what doesn't, will reply to this.

My own particular issues are in sensory bombardment - sound, smell, energy at large. My trauma links back to pre-natal with flooding of adrenaline into my bloodstream via umbilical chord and then later being denied oxytocin via maternal deprivation which created the blueprint for all later relationship patterns and the thin skin - or lack of sufficient myelin that surround the nerve endings.

What has been helpful are elements that are grossly neutral to the point of being evasive - but which also touch on the good that comes from Nature, music, animals - things of beauty and wisdom. Learning how to formulate relationship to self, God and community are the stepping stones, I believe.

So far no books or *experts* have been able to come up with anything that helps though the South American and East African tribes have done work with soul retrieval, ibogaine and ayohausca in bringing about an altered state and through that state of consciousness to introduce awareness and through that *door* to allow the soul to see itself as it truly is and have that be the impetus for radical change within.

If you comprehend this - want change and believe there is knowledge to be shared and your soul goal is to heal, contact me at this site -


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