Grateful for the Seeds

Purple legumes
The plants
green essence in a nutshell
the peels
the core
the clusters
the abundance of genes
of figs and hibiscus
infinity of spheres
gems worn as earth's
shield and garment
grow forested trees
grow desert trees
dates and pines
plums and acacia
grow orange
tangy lemon
blossom sweet
peas entwined
sap rising
up from the center
Grateful. I am.
For the hardened ones
For the soft ones
For the ones that need
extra protection
for the ones that are
hardy and weather storms
For the ones countable
for the ones numerous
like the sands
for the ones grabbed by
the handful
for the ones singular
that can feed many mouths
The unblossomed flowers
packing within the DNA
of all that IS with artistry
in a rainbow
Thank you Creator
for this.

That I may see, taste, witness,
count and calculate, cook and soak
wonder and bless, connect with and
resist, share, plant and reap with
The round, the oval and the equiangular
Golden spirals
the debris composted
from death into life
into eternity
above and within
and beyond.
Thank you.


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