Finding The Romance in Desolution

What you get 60 years after.

Burn on.

broken down cities, fires rampaging, too expensive to collect the piles of rotting debris, so burn. Pollution killing off lungs, cars ramming into each other on someone's wet dream on utopia in the guise of demented planning, cement now covering what was Nature - Beauty - all for the sake of *appearances* but the insides are putrefying. In the streets, in the homes and in the hearts. And the poor go hungry, the homeless freeze, the stray animals poisoned, jabbed with a needle to the heart to languish in the pain and impending deaths, while MK's clink their Baccarat glasses with Germans and *dignitaries* that will eventually sign another dirty deal to carve the land up yet some more, sell WMD's that will destroy millions and make pacts of death that cause only more destruction and suffering in the world. And now it's time to *celebrate* all that. And give the final finger to the people. Because after all, it's not our land anymore, but something twisted and sick and foreign and surely we all need some more distraction from that reality. So bring on the Roman gladiators and bring on the gay parades and bring on the actors that will make some speeches, the men in uniforms that will dance for us and we will watch from the sidelines and pretend that all is just fine. All is just fine. All is just fine.


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