Fall Before the (UP) Rising

Fall Before the (UP) Rising

Global Corps don't represent ideology
The IDT or the DDT or the ATT or the BBG.
It's all a crock and a bust, a quick hit
and a slow plunge without a rope to hold
or a prayer to hum, the night shadows,
the scavengers, the jackals and polluters.

Their metal towers, crashing satellites,
cellular phones burning DNA,
structures within collapsing,
suited jolly micro management,
skirts and smirks,
fast-talking, gob smacking,
lip wetting entities chained
to desks and plastic,
cables running through their veins,
with threats in their throats
and broken connections on redial.

Phoney phone meisters, I know
your number is zero.
Plundered, you're shocked out
of orbit spinning on a solar flare
implosion of the heart
of your ersatz matrix.

The Hand will rest in Judgment
for all that your technology
wreaked on bodies and earth.

And in that time your name will only
be a memory of what was known as
tower of Babel. And all people
will once again speak face to face
Point One from Ground Zero
Life powered by Light
and Love its beacon


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